日本語版(English follows)
English version(英語版)
About Bilingual Pharma Industry Topics
In this Bilingual Pharma Industry Topic series, pharma-industry specific practices or ways of doing businesses are explained in Japanese, followed by tips for conveying the same info in English.
The second topic for the series is the drug development stage and regulatory event for each stage.
Stages of drug development
Stages for drug development consists of several steps and it is not uncommon to take more than 10 years from the first step to when the drug is finally launched.
The following are the life cycle of drugs in general:
Exploratory research (creation and screening of new molecular entities), formulation and quality research, preclinical research, clinical research (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 studies), market approval submission, market approval granted, product launch, post-market studies, and re-examination
Up until the preclinical research stage, studies can be conducted in a small scale with animals and nonliving subjects, which can be basically completed within the pharma company.
Starting the Phase 1 study stage, studies with humans are necessary, which require clinical investigation sites such as hospitals.
Recently, drug development is increasingly globalized, and more and more studies are conducted in multiple countries including Japan.
Drug life cycle and regulatory events
The previous topic was about the pharma-industry being strictly restricted by regulations.
Interactions with the regulatory authorities are indispensable for drug development and life cycle management.
The area of jobs and expertise related to regulatory authority interactions is called regulatory affairs.
There are standard interactions with the regulatory authorities (or regulatory events) for each stage of the drug life cycle.
First, have a clinical trial consultation if there are some concerns that the company would like to consult with the PMDA before the trial starts.
Different types of consultations (pre-consultation and face to face advice) are available depending on the development phase.
In case a clinical trial is conducted, a clinical trial protocol notice needs to be submitted. If there is any change in the information submitted with the clinical trial protocol notice, a notice of changes in the clinical trial protocol notice is required to be submitted. When a clinical trial is completed or terminated, a notice of completion or discontinuation of the clinical trial needs to be submitted.
When all necessary clinical trials are done, completing the necessary data for a market approval submission, the pharma-company proceeds to submission.
After the submission is done, the review process starts and questions from the PMDA about the submission documents, called inquiries, are issued.
When the pharma-company appropriately answers the series of inquiries in writing, the PMDA prepares a review report, discusses and agrees with external experts on the drug approvability at Expert Discussion, and eventually brings the topic to the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council if approvable.
If the drug is successfully judged and reported as approvable in the Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council, the MHLW grants market approval for the drug.
After the approval is obtained, the drug can be launched if it is listed in the National Health Insurance price listing, which renders the drug subject to National Health Insurance reimbursement.
However, clinical data obtained before the product launch is very limited, and the effectiveness and safety of the drug need to be continuously evaluated through post-market studies.
After the time the drug’s post-market studies are complete, the pharma company conducts re-examination submission, followed by the PMDA’s evaluation whether the drug’s original evaluation on efficacy and safety at approval were reasonable.
After re-examination, generic drugs can enter the market, and the drug’s life cycle is almost over.
For those who would like to know more about the topic, please refer to the PMDA website and Drug Approval and Licensing Procedures in Japan.
drug development stage:医薬品の開発ステージ。stages of drug developmentともいえる。
exploratory research :探索研究。新規化合物が医薬品としての候補に挙がるまでの一連の基礎研究を指す。
new molecular entities:いわゆる新規化合物=新薬
formulation and quality research:製剤品質研究。候補化合物に最適な剤形や品質の研究。
preclinical research:前臨床研究。ヒトでの試験前に候補化合物の有効性・安全性を動物で確認するためのステージ。
clinical research (Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 studies):臨床研究(第I相、第II相、第III相試験)。ヒトを用いて候補化合物の有効性・安全性を検討するステージ。
product launch:製品上市。承認と上市は同じようであるが、処方箋医薬品は国民皆保険の対象であり薬価基準に収載されないと保険で使用できないため、区別している。
post-market studies:市販後調査。本文中にも説明しているが、医薬品は限られた臨床試験データを基に承認されるので、特に安全性に関して市販後のフォローアップが必要不可欠である。
clinical investigation sites:治験施設。治験に参加する医療機関を指す。通常clinical sitesと表現することが多い。
clinical trial consultation:治験相談。PMDAが提供する相談で承認申請のための臨床試験に関するもの。
face to face advice:対面助言。臨床試験のデザインの妥当性、臨床データパッケージ等についてPMDAの見解を聞くことのできる正式な面談。
clinical trial protocol notice:治験計画届。通称治験届。臨床試験を開始する前に提出し、審査を受ける必要がある。
notice of changes in the clinical trial protocol notice:治験計画変更届。通称治験変更届。治験届で届け出た内容の変更に用いる。
notice of completion or discontinuation of the clinical trial:治験終了届又は治験中止届。治験が終了した際や途中で中止になった際にも適宜届け出し、当局に報告する必要がある。
submission documents:申請資料。承認申請の資料なので、通常CTDを指す。
review report:審査報告書。最終的にはPMDAウェブサイトに公開され、どのように承認申請が審査されたかを示す報告書。
Expert Discussion:専門協議。PMDAが承認審査中に外部専門家と協議するイベント。
Pharmaceutical Affairs and Food Sanitation Council :薬事・食品衛生審議会。厚生労働大臣の諮問機関であり、各分野の専門家から構成される会。最終的な医薬品の承認の可否を判断する。
generic drugs:ジェネリック医薬品。ブランド医薬品の特許が切れた後、かつ再審査期間が終了した後に参入してくる有効成分が同じノンブランド医薬品。
market approval granted:製造販売承認。ここでは与えられたという意味のgrantedを用いてMHLWの観点での表現である。
regulatory (authority) interaction(s):規制当局とのやりとり
depending on [名詞]:○○次第で