日本語版(English follows)
第6回の今回は治験に係る薬事規制である治験届とGood Clinical Practice(GCP)を採り上げた。
- 治験計画・施設選定(実施可能性等検討)
- 治験届提出・PMDA調査終了
- 治験施設への治験依頼
- 治験施設審査委員会(IRB)の審査
- 治験施設との契約締結
- 被験者からの同意取得
- スクリーニング
- 治験開始
- 届出をPMDAに提出
- 照会事項発出(ほぼ初回計画届のみ)
- 回答提出・資料修正(ほぼ初回計画届のみ)
- 調査終了(初回:30日、2回目以降:14日)
- 当該治験の依頼を科学的に正当と判断した理由を記した文書
- 治験実施計画書
- インフォームド・コンセントに用いられる説明文書及び同意文書
- 症例報告書の見本
- 最新の治験薬概要書
Good Clinical Practice(GCP)
Good Clinical Practice(GCP)は別名「医薬品の臨床試験の実施の基準に関する省令」とも呼ばれ、臨床試験(治験又は製造販売後臨床試験)を実施する際に必ず順守が必要な基準である。
このGCPはICHのもと国際的に標準化されており、ICH E6ガイドラインで規定されている。
- 治験実施者は専門家を擁し、治験実施計画書、手順書(実施機関・治験医師選定、治験薬管理、副作用情報収集、記録保管、治験依頼・管理等)、治験薬概要書及び説明文書を作成する。
- 治験実施者は当該医薬品についての非臨床試験を完了し、被験者に起こりうる健康被害の補償のための保険等の措置を講じ、治験薬を適切に管理・交付し、また治験がGCP、実施計画書にしたがって適切に行われているかモニターする。
- 実施医療機関は指定の要件(医療従事者、副作用報告体制等)を満たし、治験に関する業務の手順書を作成し、治験審査委員会を設置し、また記録を適切に保管する。
- 治験審査委員会は実施者と利害関係がないメンバー及び専門外のメンバーを擁し、治験が倫理的及び科学的に妥当かどうか審議する。実施者は治験審査委員会の指示に従う。
- 治験責任医師は被験者に治験(目的、治験薬の予想効果、副作用、治験参加以外のオプション等)について文書で説明し、文書により同意を得る。
English version(英語版)
About Bilingual Pharma Industry Topics
In this Bilingual Pharma Industry Topic series, pharma-industry specific practices or ways of doing businesses are explained in Japanese, followed by tips for conveying the same info in English.
The sixth topic for the series is the clinical trial protocol notice and Good Clinical Practice (GCP) that are regulations regarding clinical trials.
Steps for conducting clinical trial
The below is a generalized flow for conducting a clinical trial.
- Clinical trial planning and site selection (evaluating feasibility)
- Submission of clinical trial protocol notice (CTN) and completion of PMDA review
- Request for conducting clinical trial to clinical site
- Review at institutional review board (IRB)
- Finalizing contract with clinical site
- Obtaining consent from subjects
- Screening
- Start of trial
Clinical trial protocol notice
As previously covered in a different article, a clinical trial protocol notice needs to be submitted in case a clinical trial is conducted.
If there is any change in the information submitted with the clinical trial protocol notice, a notice of changes in the clinical trial protocol notice is required to be submitted.
This clinical trial protocol notice should be submitted with a clinical study protocol that specifies how the study drug should be administered to which subject groups and how the results should be evaluated.
This notification system is stipulated in the PMDA Act (Article 80, Paragraph 2), and the Sponsor notifies the study protocol to the MHLW via the PMDA.
Also, it is required to report all clinically significant adverse reactions seen during the clinical trial to the PMDA.
When a clinical trial is completed or terminated, a notice of completion or discontinuation of the clinical trial needs to be submitted.
Initial clinical trial protocol notice
A clinical trial protocol notice (often referred to as CTN) can be handled slightly differently whether it is the very first one to be submitted for the drug in Japan or it is the second one or later.
The initial CTN is very rigorously reviewed to secure the Japanese subject's safety; thus, a CTN should be submitted at least 30 days before the contract with a clinical site is finalized (this rule is called the 30-day review or 30-day rule).
In the review, inquiries for safety concerns are mainly issued, which will be responded in writing and by revising the attachments such as the clinical study protocol if necessary.
The Sponsor can proceed to finalizing the deal with the clinical site if the 30-day review is successfully completed with responses to the inquiries and necessary study material revisions.
Second or later CTN
For a second or later CTN, normally no inquiry is issued unless there is a specific concern. The Sponsor can proceed to finalizing the deal with a clinical site as long as the PMDA does not provide specific instructions within 14 days after submitting the CTN.
Required attachments are rationale justifying the conduct of the clinical study, clinical study protocol, informed consent form, sample case report form, and most recent investigator's brochure are required attachments.
The CTN and attachments are required to be submitted in Japanese, and thus there is a huge translation demand for this regulatory event with this global study era.
Process and cost
Submitting CTN to PMDA
Inquiries issued (mostly for initial CTN)
Submitting inquiry response and attachment revision (mostly for initial CTN)
Completion of review (initial CTN: 30 days, 2nd or later CTN: 14 days)
No review fee is required.
Attachments (CTN only)
- Rationale justifying the conduct of the clinical study
- Clinical study protocol
- Informed consent form
- Sample case report form (CRF)
- Most recent investigator's brochure
Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
The Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is also called the Ministerial Ordinance on Good Clinical Practice for Drugs, and it is a required compliance standard for conducting clinical trials.
This GCP requirements are standardized internationally under the ICH initiatives and specified as the ICH E6 guidelines.
The GCP is standard criteria for conducting clinical trials, but at the same time is standard criteria for ensuring data reliability.
This, compliance with the GCP is indispensable for ensuring reliability of submission documents for market approval and re-examination submissions.
The essence of the GCP as reliability criteria is just like the GLP and GMP: to specify what and how it will be conducted for each process and study, to obtain data by conducting what is specified according to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) or protocols along with meeting the organization and personnel requirements.
If something is not conducted according to the predetermined rule, deviation handling is necessary.
GCP requirement summary
- The Sponsor prepares a clinical study protocol, SOPs (for selecting investigators and clinical sites, managing study drug, collecting adverse reaction information, record management, and initiation and management of clinical trials), investigator's brochure, and informed consent form.
- The Sponsor completes nonclinical studies for the drug, should have procedures to compensate possible trial-related injuries (such as an insurance), appropriately handle and supply the study drug, and monitors to see if the trial is conducted according to the GCP and protocol.
- The clinical site prepares SOPs for conducting clinical trials, places institutional review board (IRB), and stores records appropriately, along with meeting the specific requirements (healthcare professionals, adverse reaction reporting system, etc.).
- The IRB, consisting of members without any conflicts of interest to the Sponsor and members who are not subject-matter experts, reviews whether the clinical trial is reasonable from an ethical and science point of view.
- The Sponsor follows instructions from the IRB.
- The investigator provides explanations about the clinical trial (purpose, expected drug efficacy, expected adverse reactions, and other options than joining the trial) to the subject in writing and obtains consent in writing.
For those who would like to know more about the topic, please refer to the PMDA website and Drug Approval and Licensing Procedures in Japan.
site selection:施設選定。臨床試験を行う施設の選定。1施設あたり何名の被験者を組み入れられるか等を考慮して決定される。
feasibility :治験の実施可能性。臨床試験が実施可能かどうかの評価。目標症例数と1施設あたりの予想被験者数等を考慮して評価する。
institutional review board (IRB):治験施設審査委員会。治験の実施が倫理的・科学的に妥当かを第3者の立場から判断する機関。治験実施者と直接の利害関係を有さないメンバーや専門家でないメンバーが必ず必要。
study drug:治験薬。investigational drugということもできる。治験で主に評価される医薬品を指す。
clinically significant adverse reaction(s):重大な副作用。その医薬品で特に注意を要する副作用。一言でいえば、命にかかわる副作用である。
initial CTN:初回治験届。通常その医薬品に関して、PMDA/MHLWに初めて提出される治験計画届を指す。
rationale justifying the conduct of the clinical study:当該治験を行うことを妥当と判断した妥当性文書。通称「妥当性文書」。それまでに行った試験結果から、その医薬品の治験を行うことが科学的に妥当であると判断した治験実施者の見解を示した文書。
clinical study protocol:治験実施計画書。いわゆるプロトコール。治験の対象被験者、用法・用量、評価項目等、どのように試験を行い医薬品を評価するか記載されている。
informed consent form:インフォームドコンセントに用いられる同意文書。同意説明文書はwritten explanationsである。
case report form (CRF):症例報告書。各被験者についてプロトコールに記載のある評価項目を記載する様式。
investigator's brochure:治験薬概要書。それまでに行われた試験の結果を基に治験薬の特性をまとめた資料。治験施設へ提供される治験薬に関する重要な資料。
Good Clinical Practice (GCP):GCP。本文の解説参照。
Ministerial Ordinance:省令。法律には法、政令、省令、通知の4レベルがある。省令は、各省により制定される法律。この文脈では厚生労働省による省令であり、通常、厚生労働省規則と呼ばれる。
criteria for ensuring data reliability:データの信頼性を担保する基準。いわゆる信頼性の基準。正確性、網羅性、記録がキーワードである。
GLP:Good Laboratory Practice。非臨床試験に関する信頼性基準。
GMP:Good Manufacturing Practice。医薬品の製造・品質に関する信頼性基準。
standard operating procedure(s) (SOP[s]):手順書。組織における標準的な業務の方法を規定した文書。
deviation handling:逸脱対応。
record management:記録管理。必要な文書を法的要件にしたがって必要な期間管理・保管することを指す。
conflicts of interest:利益相反。ある行動が一方の利益になり、一方で他方の不利益になること。利害関係があること。
meeting specific requirements:特定の要件を満たす
subject-matter experts:(その分野の)専門家
reasonable from an ethical and science point of view:倫理的・科学的な観点から妥当